Microsoft word find and replace section breaks
Microsoft word find and replace section breaks

microsoft word find and replace section breaks microsoft word find and replace section breaks

Select some text -now if you will press Ctrl + Shift + > the font size of the selected text will increase.To move cursor to the location where it was when you last save the document press Shift + F5.Typing =rand(8,10) and then pressing Enter will automatically generate random text you can use for testing the page formatting, fonts, etc.USe Format Painter feature to quickly apply a particular format to a new area.Pressing backspace while holding Ctrl key down deletes the preceding word.Ctrl+ makes a word subscript and Ctrl Shift + makes a word superscript.To create a horizontal line type 3 hyphens and then press Enter.Click anywhere in a sentence while holding Ctrl key down will select the sentence To select an entire paragraph make three rapid clicks anywhere in the paragraph.

Microsoft word find and replace section breaks